Sunday, October 19, 2008

Which cosutme should we make the poor guy wear??

Well as many of you know Our Boxer Lab cross "Henry" is currently serving the purpose that a child might serve in a regular family; in fact just yesterday was his birthday. Two years old and a seven dollar white chocolate bone was his gift. ( I am just a little offended his birthday was not mentioned on the "October Birthdays" for the smith family blog...right next to Megans name) So of cousre we had to get him a Halloween coustume this year. We decided on a bumblebee while at Old Navy in Park City a few weeks ago but on one of our notorious trips to Target we ran into a cute little pig costume that I could not resist and the price was only $10. So we are faced with the question...which costume do we put him in? They are both inhumane and totally annoy him. In fact to get him to keep them on we have to hover treats right in front of his little snout! So which do you think is most adorable.... Please vote on our Poll and let us know what you think!!!


Becky Smith said...

He looks stinkin' cute in both of them! You may have to make him switch back and forth all night. Your lucky you can get him to wear a costume...I tried to put a football jersey on Clifford and mayhem ensued. Give Henry a belated birthday hug from me. :D. I love you guys!

Kathy said...

I voted for the bumble bee but now I am wondering.... what does his trick or treat bag look like? That might make a difference in the vote:). Oh... BTW Happy Birthday Henry!

Jessica said...

That would almost be cruel if it wasn't so funny!

jen hulet said...

I like both, but I think I would choose the bumblebee! Maybe you could save the pig for next year too!! BTW, I agree, Henry should have been included with the October Birthdays(HOW RUDE)!

Anonymous said...

We're partial to the bee!

Calene said...

I know it's way too late to vote for Henry's costume, but I have to say the pig was my personal favorite. And, Scott's response to dressing up pets is, "This is why animals kill people". :)